Thursday, June 25, 2009


Most people hate squats. They will look for any reason or excuse to get out of them. The problem is that the squat is one of the best over-all muscle builders out there. The squat is one of the few exercises that can lead to growth hormone being naturally secreted into the body. With the amazing amount of muscles that are involved in the squat it can affect virtually every area of the body. Oh yea, and it happens to be the cornerstone of the Super Duty Workout System. So get off you butt and squat! Proper technique is imperative as the squat can hurt you if you don't know what you are doing. Place the bar high on the shoulders but just below the traps. Take a medium stance with the toes just slightly turned outward. As you descend stick your butt out! I cannot overstate this! If you do not stick you butt almost ridiculously out you will lean forward in the squat and risk injury! Slowly lower yourself to just below parallel and return to the top. There, that wasn't so bad! Now lets just do a bunch more of those and great legs and a great build is on the way!!

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